Among the various types of manufacturing process methods for discontinuous metal matrix composite, stir casting is the best suitable manufacturing process to fabricate particulate reinforced metal matrix composite. Its benefit is its simplicity, durability, and adaptability. The main issue in this process is proper wetting of reinforcement in aluminium matrix material. Only proper wetting results in a homogeneous dispersion of reinforcement material, and these homogeneous dispersions help to improve the properties of metal matrix composite material. The purpose of this paper was to discuss the outline of the stir casting process, process parameters, and the contribution effect of process parameters. This paper also presents about of the conditions should follow during the addition of reinforcement material and matrix material pouring in mould cavity. This paper also discusses the conditions that must be met during the addition of reinforcement material and matrix material pouring in the mould cavity. This paper also looked into the impact and contribution of stirring casting time, speed, and temperature in aluminium metal matrix composites, as well as processing issues in aluminium metal matrix composites, challenges, and research opportunities.