期刊:Archives of Ophthalmology [American Medical Association] 日期:1989-10-01卷期号:107 (10): 1434-1434
Ophthalmology Brainscan MCQsis a collection of multiple-choice questions aimed at the level of a medical student completing an ophthalmology rotation. The format of the material is a statement followed by five true-or-false questions. The questions cover a broad range of introductory topics in ophthalmology and are grouped in sections corresponding to the chapter headings of the authors' textbook,Common Eye Diseases and Their Management. "The questions can point out areas where further study is needed... " The first part of the book is titled "Introducing the Eye." It contains questions on the anatomy of the eye and is one of the less comprehensive chapters. The second section, "Primary Eye Care Problems," succeeds in covering a number of eye disorders, such as epiphora, dry eye, eyelid lesions, red eye, headache, and failing vision. Questions on vision testing and contact lenses are also included. "Problems of the Eye Surgeon" quizzes the reader