This is a correction to Krstevski, C., Cohen, C.D., Dona, M.S.I. and Pinto, A.R. (2020) New perspectives of the cardiac cellular landscape: mapping cellular mediators of cardiac fibrosis using single-cell transcriptomics. Biochem. Soc. Trans.48, 2483–2493. 10.1042/BST20191255Following publication of the above article, the authors noticed a citation was missing from the revised article resulting in errors in Table 1, where the reference numbers associated with studies summarised in the table are incorrect.The authors apologise for the error and would like to correct the record by including a citation to the following paper as no. 101: Gladka MM, Molenaar B, de Ruiter H, van der Elst S, Tsui H, Versteeg D, et al. Single-Cell Sequencing of the Healthy and Diseased Heart Reveals Cytoskeleton-Associated Protein 4 as a New Modulator of Fibroblasts Activation. Circulation. 2018 Jul 10;138(2):166–180.And updating the reader to the corrected table below: