Orbital angular momentum (OAM) is an effective way to increase wireless communication capacity. The existing OAM mainly focuses on the optical and microwave frequency domain. In this letter, a reflective metasurface is proposed to generate an OAM vortex wave beam in the terahertz region with different topological charges. Under illumination of a circular polarized wave, the proposed metasurface generates the deflected OAM vortex wave beam with topological charges of l =±1 and l =±2 at a wide terahertz band from 0.3THz to 0.45THz. The OAM beam has a high mode purity that is larger than 90% at 0.4THz. Both theoretical prediction and simulated results verify that the designed metasurface can achieve a terahertz vortex wave beam with different OAM topological charges.