An empirical assessment of deblending results on land vibroseis data
Dennis Yanchak,Peter Aaron,Ajay Jaiswal,David J. Monk,Gary Wool,Mike Yates
In 2018 Yanchak et al. reported the progress on a high-density 3D simultaneous source acquisition in Egypt which involved a large number of Vibroseis units working independently at the same time. The data was subsequently "deblended" and individual source-point records were generated where the interference had been separated into the component shot records. While this work was successful, the survey offered the opportunity to test the robustness of the shot separation techniques by comparison with data acquired without interfering sources. A subset of the production simultaneous source data was provided to several processing contractors who were asked to separate the continuous data into the individual records using their preferred deblending technique. We show here a comparison of the results. Presentation Date: Wednesday, September 18, 2019 Session Start Time: 1:50 PM Presentation Start Time: 1:50 PM Location: 214D Presentation Type: Oral