Dissipation behavior and dietary risk assessment of lambda-cyhalothrin, thiamethoxam and its metabolite clothianidin in apple after open field application
The dissipation dynamics and residue amounts of lambda-cyhalothrin, thiamethoxam and clothianidin in apple were investigated by using rapid resolution liquid chromatography triple quadrupole mass spectrometer (RRLC-MS/MS) and gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The developed method performed satisfactory recoveries of 88%-105% and the limit of quantitation (LOQ) was 0.01 mg kg-1. The suspension concentrate (SC) formulation of lambda-cyhalothrin and thiamethoxam was applied on apple field in accordance with good agricultural practice (GAP). The half-lives of two pesticides ranged from 7.01 d to 17.3 d and the terminal residues were <0.01-0.21 mg kg-1. Based on the Chinese dietary pattern, the dietary risk of lambda-cyhalothrin and total thiamethoxam were predicted by comparing intake amounts with the toxicological data, namely acceptable daily intake (ADI) and acute reference dose (ARfD). The chronic and acute risk quotients were 0.1080-0.4463 and 0.0008-0.2005, respectively, which showed negligible risk for general consumers. The pre-harvest interval (PHI) of 21 d was suggested for the formulation in compliance with maximum residue limit (MRL) and dietary risk assessment, meanwhile, the MRL of 0.1 mg kg-1 was recommended for thiamethoxam in apple. These results were vital for guiding reasonable usage of two insecticides and for approval of formulation use.