Piya Chaemsaithong,Alan Kwan,Wing Ting Tse,Wen Teng Lim,Winnie Wai Lan Chan,Ka Chun Chong,Tak Yeung Leung,Liona C. Poon
The traditional approach to the assessment of labor progress is by digital vaginal examination; however, it is subjective and imprecise. Recent studies have investigated the role of transperineal ultrasonographic assessment of fetal head descent by measuring the angle of progression and head-perineum distance.The objective of this study was to evaluate factors that affected labor progress, which were defined by the transperineal ultrasonographic parameters, in women who achieved vaginal delivery.This was a prospective longitudinal study performed in 315 women with singleton pregnancy who underwent labor induction at term between December 2016 and December 2017. Paired assessment of cervical dilation and fetal head station by vaginal examination and transperineal ultrasonographic assessment of fetal head descent (parasagittal angle of progression and head-perineum distance) were made serially after the commencement of labor induction until full cervical dilation. The researchers were blinded to the findings of the clinical team's vaginal examination and vice versa. The repeated measure data were analyzed by mixed effect models to identify the significant factors (age ≥35 years, obesity, parity, methods of labor induction, and epidural anesthesia) that affected the relationship between parasagittal angle of progression and head-perineum distance against fetal head station and cervical dilation.The total number of paired vaginal examination and transperineal ultrasonographic assessments among the 261 women (82.9%) with vaginal delivery was 945, with a median of 3 per woman. The median assessment-to-assessment interval was 4.6 hours (interquartile range, 4.3-5.2). Multiparity and mechanical methods of labor induction were associated with a faster rate of fetal head descent, which was determined by head-perineum distance against fetal head station, than nulliparity and the use of a slow-release vaginal pessary, respectively. An additional increase of 0.10 cm in head-perineum distance was observed, for an unit increase in fetal head station in nulliparous women (P=.03) and women who had a slow-release vaginal pessary (P=.02), compared with multiparous women and those who had mechanical methods for labor induction. The use of epidural anesthesia was associated with a slower rate of fetal head descent, which was determined by both parasagittal angle of progression and head-perineum distance, against fetal head station. An additional decrease of 3.66 degrees in parasagittal angle of progression (P=.04) and an additional increase in 0.33 cm in head-perineum distance (P≤.001) were observed for a unit increase in fetal head station in women with the use of epidural anesthesia, compared with those without. Obese women had higher head-perineum distance overall, compared with normal weight women; at different cross-sections of time periods, obesity appeared to be associated with a slower rate of change between head-perineum distance and cervical dilation. Advanced maternal age did not affect transperineal ultrasound-determined labor progress (P>.05).Parity, methods of labor induction, the use of epidural anesthesia, and obesity affect labor progress, which has been illustrated objectively by serial transperineal ultrasonographic assessment of fetal head descent.