Monodisperse 11 nm indium tin oxide (ITO) nanocrystals (NCs) were synthesized by thermal decomposition of indium acetylacetonate, In(acac)(3), and tin bis(acetylacetonate)dichloride, Sn(acac)(2)Cl(2), at 270 °C in 1-octadecene with oleylamine and oleic acid as surfactants. Dispersed in hexane, these ITO NCs were spin-cast on centimeter-wide glass substrates, forming uniform ITO NC assemblies with root-mean-square roughness of 2.9 nm. The assembly thickness was controlled by ITO NC concentrations in hexane and rotation speeds of the spin coater. Via controlled thermal annealing at 300 °C for 6 h under Ar and 5% H(2), the ITO NC assemblies became conductive and transparent with the 146 nm-thick assembly showing 5.2 × 10(-3) Ω·cm (R(s) = 356 Ω/sq) resistivity and 93% transparency in the visible spectral range--the best values ever reported for ITO NC assemblies prepared from solution phase processes. The stable hexane dispersion of ITO NCs was also readily spin-cast on polyimide (T(g) ~360 °C), and the resultant ITO assembly exhibited a comparable conductivity and transparency to the assembly on a glass substrate. The reported synthesis and assembly provide a promising solution to the fabrication of transparent and conducting ITO NCs on flexible substrates for optoelectronic applications.