A new approach for developing implicit composite time integration schemes is established starting with rational approximations of the matrix exponential in the solution of the equations of motion. The rational approximations are designed to have the same effective stiffness matrix in all sub-steps. An efficient algorithm is devised so that the implicit equation for a sub-step is in the same form as that of the trapezoidal method. The proposed M-schemes are Mth order accurate using M sub-steps. The amount of numerical dissipation is controlled by a user-specified parameter ρ∞. The (M+1)-schemes that are (M+1)th order accurate using M sub-steps can also be constructed, but the amount of numerical dissipation is built in the schemes and not adjustable. The order of accuracy of all the schemes is not affected by external forces and physical damping. Numerical examples demonstrate that the proposed high-order composite schemes are effective for introducing numerical dissipation and allow the use of large time step sizes in wave propagation problems. The source code written in MATLAB is available for download at: https://github.com/ChongminSong/CompsiteTimeIntegration.