Due to the typical peritoneal spread of the disease, together with cytoreductive surgery and adjuvant platinum-based chemotherapy, the role of hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) is gainig more interest in advanced ovarian cancer (AOC) treatment. Indeed, the addition of hyperthemia seems to enhance the cytotoxic effect of chemotherapy directly delivered on peritoneal surface. So far, data on HIPEC administration during the primary debulking surgery (PDS) have been controversial. Indeed, despite flaws and biases, a survival advantage in a subgroup analysis of a prospective randomized trial of PDS+HIPEC treated patients was not demonstrated, whilst positive results are coming from a large retrospective cohort of patients treated with HIPEC after upfront surgery. In this setting, larger prospective data from an ongoing trial are expected by 2026. Contrariously, the addition of HIPEC with cisplatin 100mg/m2 at the time of interval debulking surgery (IDS) has shown to prolong both progression-free and overall survival by prospective randomized data, despite few controversies on the methodology and the results of this trial arose among the experts. So far, available high quality data on HIPEC treatment after surgery for disease recurrence failed to demonstrate a survival benefit in this group of patients, however few trials are ongoing and results are awaited. With this article, we aim to discuss the main findings of available evidence and the objectives of ongoing trials on the addition of HIPEC to various timing of cytoreductive surgery in AOC, also in view of the development of precision medicine and targeted therapies in AOC treatment.