Jessie Axsom,Tara TeSlaa,Won Dong Lee,Qingwei Chu,Alexis J. Cowan,Marc R. Bornstein,Michael D. Neinast,Caroline Bartman,Megan C. Blair,Kristina Li,Chelsea Thorsheim,Joshua D. Rabinowitz,Zoltàn Arany
Despite the known metabolic benefits of exercise, an integrated metabolic understanding of exercise is lacking. Here, we use in vivo steady-state isotope-labeled infusions to quantify fuel flux and oxidation during exercise in fasted, fed, and exhausted female mice, revealing several novel findings. Exercise strongly promoted glucose fluxes from liver glycogen, lactate, and glycerol, distinct from humans. Several organs spared glucose, a process that broke down in exhausted mice despite concomitant hypoglycemia. Proteolysis increased markedly, also divergent from humans. Fatty acid oxidation dominated during fasted exercise. Ketone production and oxidation rose rapidly, seemingly driven by a hepatic bottleneck caused by gluconeogenesis-induced cataplerotic stress. Altered fuel consumption was observed in organs not directly involved in muscle contraction, including the pancreas and brown fat. Several futile cycles surprisingly persisted during exercise, despite their energy cost. In sum, we provide a comprehensive, integrated, holistic, and quantitative accounting of metabolism during exercise in an intact organism.