In this study, we present a scale-up design, scheduling, and costing of a single-stage MOF (Metal-Organic Framework)-based 5-step temperature swing adsorption (TSA) process, which was recently shown to be effective for carbon capture and concentration (CCC) from wet flue gas containing 5 to 15 mol% CO2 without any pre-drying (Peh et al., 2022). This TSA process is also compared with a two-stage process at two feed conditions. In the two-stage process, the wet flue gas is first dried in a TSA process, and then CCC from the dry flue gas is carried out in a MOF-based 6-step vacuum swing adsorption (VSA) process. The TSA-based pre-drying process is also analyzed in detail. The two-stage process has lower minimum capture costs at both feed conditions ($91 versus $104.1 per tonne of CO2 captured at 25 °C and $113.3 versus $146.9 per tonne of CO2 captured at 40 °C).