Twist-bend (N_{tb}) and ferroelectric (N_{F}) nematic liquid crystals exhibit several novel effects and new physical properties. Here, we report experimental studies on the phase diagram and some physical properties of binary mixtures of CB9CB and RM734 mesogens. Both N-N_{tb} and N-N_{F} phase transition temperatures and the corresponding enthalpies decrease significantly and, eventually, these transitions disappear at some intermediate compositions, stabilizing wide nematic phase (N). Temperature-dependent birefringence several degrees above the N-N_{tb} phase transition shows strong director tilt fluctuations. The critical range of the fluctuations increases with the nematic range and the critical exponent is consistent with the mean field. The spontaneous polarization of RM734 decreases drastically with the addition of CB9CB mesogen. The temperature dependence of the splay elastic constant of the mixtures' high-temperature nematic (N) phase strikingly differs from that of the pristine CB9CB and RM734 mesogens. The study shows that a small inclusion of either compound has a substantial effect on the phase diagram and physical properties.