Photocatalysis technology provides a promising and effective method for hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) production. Nevertheless, the photocatalytic H2O2 production activity is greatly regulated by the two-electron oxygen reduction reaction (2e− O2RR). Herein, we demonstrate a robust single atom photocatalyst (NiCN-x, Ni single atoms anchored on ultrathin g-C3N4) for artificial H2O2 production under visible light irradiation. A high H2O2 generation rate of 27.11 mmol g−1h−1 and an apparent quantum yield (AQY) of 8.56 % at 400 nm are both obtained in the optimal NiCN-4 photocatalytic system. Furthermore, NiCN-4 catalyst shows relatively high selectivity of H2O2 with 87.3 % through using a rotating ring-disk electrode (RRDE) measurement. Furthermore, NiCN-4 shows enhanced photocatalytic TC decomposition with degradation efficiency of 89.4 %. Based on DFT calculation, experimental results and advanced characterizations, we find that the high photocatalytic performance is attributed to the boosting 2e−O2RR process with the formation of Ni-μ-peroxide (Ni-OOH) and the unique electronic feature of Ni-Nx coordination sites. This study offers a new blueprint for the fabrication of single atom catalysts (SACs) to achieve artificial photosynthesis of H2O2 with high selectivity and degradation of organic pollutants.