Sedation is frequently desired to facilitate dental procedures in uncooperative paediatric patients. Oromucosal Midazolam sedation is a popular choice among paediatric dentists world wide due to its many advantages such as ease of administration, good efficacy, presence of reversal agents and a wide margin of safety. On the other hand, many investigators have reported that midazolam sedation may not be successful for carrying out all types of dental procedures. This may be attributed to diverse nature of various treatment plans coupled with the extent of behavioural changes in the child and operator's experience. Due to the heterogeneity involved in treatment of paediatric dental procedures, the specific indications for oral midazolam use that ensure its success rate, probably need to be defined. This may enable the clinicians to have a convenient and quicker option for managing the cases rather than facing sedation failure or at times, ending up giving general anaesthetics. This article therefore brings forth the possible causes of midazolam sedation failure and proposes a 'case selection criterion'.