Mahsa Aeeni,Mazdak Razi,AliReza Alizadeh,Ash A. Alizadeh
The present study assessed the possible mechanisms by which the insulin regulates the heat shock (HSPs) and transitional proteins expression and consequently ameliorates the oxidative stress-induced damages in germ and sperm cells DNA contents. Mature male Wistar rats were distributed into control, Hyperglycemia-induced (HG) and insulin-treated HG-induced (HG-I) groups. Following 8 weeks from HG induction, testicular total antioxidant capacity (TAC), immunoreactivity of 8-oxodG, germ cells mRNA damage, Hsp70-2a, Hsp90, transitional proteins 1 and 2 (TP-1 and -2) mRNA and protein expressions were analyzed. Moreover, the sperm chromatin condensation was assessed by aniline-blue staining, and DNA integrity of germ and sperm cells were analyzed by TUNEL and acrdine-orange staining techniques. The HG animals exhibited significant (p < 0.05) reduction in TAC, HSp70-2a, TP-1 and TP-2 expression levels, and increment in 8-oxodG immunoreactivity, mRNA damage, and Hsp90 expression. However, insulin treatment resulted in (p < 0.05) enhanced TAC level, Hsp70-2a, Hsp90, TP-1 and TP-2 expressions, besides reduced 8-oxodG immunoreactivity and mRNA damage compared to the HG group (p < 0.05). The chromatin condensation and the germ and sperm cells DNA fragmentation were decreased in HG-I group. Insulin treatment amplifies the testicular TAC level, improves the Hsp70-2a, TP-1, and TP-2 expressions, and boosts the Hsp90-mediated role in DNA repairment process. Consequently, altogether could maintain the HG-induced DNA integrity in the testicular and sperm cells.