Rechargeable sodium ion batteries with high energy density are a promising technology to address the demand for grid storage. Cathode materials with oxygen redox activity exhibit higher energy density than expected from Na-ion removal and charge compensation solely by transition metal redox. One strategy to enable oxygen redox in materials is to alter the oxygen environment through transition metal layer ordering. In this work, we report the investigation of oxygen redox activity induced by transition metal ordering in P2-type Na 0.8 Li 0.12 Ni 0.22 Mn 0.66 O 2 cathode synthesized by carbonate co-precipitation. Irreversible oxygen activity was observed and correlated with Ni migration that resulted in the loss of transition metal ordering in the structure. Calculated density of states shows that after Ni migration, the number of unoccupied states of O above Fermi level decreases, inhibiting the reduction of oxygen during sodiation. This paper provides insights on how Ni migration has a detrimental effect on transition metal ordering and reversibility of oxygen redox at high voltage.