Abstract Objective Established and emerging technologies—such as wearable sensors, smartphones, mobile apps, and artificial intelligence—are shaping positive healthcare models and patient outcomes. These technologies have the potential to become precision health (PH) innovations. However, not all innovations meet regulatory standards or have the required scientific evidence to be used for health applications. In response, an assessment framework was developed to facilitate and standardize the assessment of innovations deemed suitable for PH. Methods A scoping literature review undertaken through PubMed and Google Scholar identified approximately 100 relevant articles. These were then shortlisted ( n = 12) to those that included specific metrics, criteria, or frameworks for assessing technologies that could be applied to the PH context. Results The proposed framework identified nine core criteria with subcriteria and grouped them into four categories for assessment: technical, clinical, human factors, and implementation. Guiding statements with response options and recommendations were used as metrics against each criterion. Conclusion The proposed framework supports health services, health technology innovators, and researchers in leveraging current and emerging technologies for PH innovations. It covers a comprehensive set of criteria as part of the assessment process of these technologies.