This paper presents the Total Ionizing Dose radi-ation results for a radiation tolerant Sigma-Delta Analogto-Digital Converters for aerospace applications, in 0.6 $\boldsymbol{\mu} \mathbf{m}$ Silicon-On-Insulator Technology. The ADC topology circuit was de-signed from continuous-time sigma-delta modulator (CT-SDM) for High-Speed A/D Conversion. The digital filter is based on the Cascaded Integrator Comb what is a lowpass linear phase-line finite impulse response filters, well suited for anti-aliasing filtering. In order to mitigate the effects of ionizing radiation some features are approached, such as the adoption of the Radiation hardened by design Enclosed-LayoutTransistor-Based technique that increases radiation tolerance. Another technique used was SOl, which enables transistor isolation, thereby reducing parasitic capacitance. These two techniques are alternatives for Low-Power Low-Voltage circuits. During X-ray ionizing radiation testing, it was found that from a TID dose of order above 50 krad (Si) and 10KeV effective energy. The results obtained from the tests showed that the Integrated Circuit (IC) of the sigma delta ADC behaved as expected and can be used in environments for space applications.