Ochratoxin A (OTA) is a stable toxin produced by fungal strains of Aspergillus and Penicillium. It is commonly found in a variety of food products, including dried fruit, coffee, and spices, raising concerns about their safety. This study was aimed to quantify OTA levels in different food products using HPLC with fluorescence detection. The pre-treatment process was optimised by employing immunoaffinity columns with Tween 20 to effectively remove interfering substances. An analytical method was developed, validated, and applied for OTA analysis in dried fruit, spices, and coffee samples. The validation procedure included determining detection and quantification limits, linearity, precision, and accuracy, as per the criteria specified by AOAC International. The validated method was successfully applied for OTA analysis in the selected food samples. Furthermore, health risk assessment was conducted based on the average intake and body weight of the Korean population. From the results, concentrations of OTA in the samples were found to be very low and therefore concluded not to pose significant threats to consumer health.