This paper studies the relationship between Chinese parents' preference for sons over daughters in childhood and these children's happiness in adulthood.Happiness is an important dimension for measuring a society's well-being and a lifelong goal for many Chinese citizens deeply influenced by Confucianism. However, China's relatively low world ranking on happiness is worrisome for Chinese policymakers and prompts the question of whether the concept of "preference for sons" is related to lower adult happiness.This study used the 2018 China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study to analyze the relationship between parents' preference for sons over daughters in one's childhood and adult happiness using the least squares method. An instrumental variable method was used to address endogeneity concerns. In addition, the Karlson-Holm-Breen method was used to analyze the mediating effects of childhood educational opportunities and health resources.Parents' preference for sons over daughters in one's childhood was positively related to the happiness of male adults but negatively for female adults. Childhood education opportunities and childhood health resources have a mediating effect on the relationship between parental preference for boys and children's happiness in adulthood.Parents' preference for sons over daughters substantially explains the gender gap in happiness in adult Chinese citizens. Reducing the idea of prioritizing boys over girls has the potential to improve the happiness level of adults.