Siderophores are promising ligands for application in novel recycling and bioremediation technologies, as they can selectively complex a variety of metals. However, with over 250 known siderophores, the selection of suiting complexants in the wet lab is impractical. Thus, this study established a density functional theory (DFT) based approach to efficiently identify siderophores with increased selectivity towards target metals on the example of germanium and indium. Considering 239 structures, chemically similar siderophores were clustered, and their complexation reactions modeled utilizing DFT. The calculations revealed siderophores with, compared to the reference siderophore desferrioxamine B (DFOB), up to 128 % or 48 % higher selectivity for indium or germanium, respectively. Experimental validation of the method was conducted with fimsbactin A and agrobactin, demonstrating up to 40 % more selective indium binding and at least sevenfold better germanium binding than DFOB, respectively. The results generated in this study open the door for the utilization of siderophores in eco-friendly technologies for the recovery of many different critical metals from various industry waters and leachates or bioremediation approaches. This endeavor is greatly facilitated by applying the herein-created database of geometry-optimized siderophore structures as de novo modeling of the molecules can be omitted.