Objective: To investigate the policies and coverage of influenza vaccine during the influenza epidemic seasons of 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 in China. Methods: The national influenza vaccination policy and vaccination rate were investigated in counties and districts and described in the two epidemic seasons. Results: In the epidemic seasons of 2020-2021 and 2021-2022, the vaccination coverage of influenza in China was 3.16% and 2.47%, respectively. The free vaccination policy had the highest vaccination coverage (51.75% and 38.32%), followed by the medical insurance reimbursement policy (9.74% and 7.36%). During the epidemic season of 2021-2022, the number of counties and districts implementing the free vaccination policy in China decreased 61 compared with the previous year, but the number of people covered increased by 51.29%. However, the vaccination coverage of the vast population decreased significantly, with the medical staff (75.69% and 40.15% for two epidemic seasons), preschool children (58.86% and 26.15%), and the elderly (45.71% and 32.94%). During the epidemic season of 2021-2022, the number of counties and districts implementing the medical insurance reimbursement policy increased by 6 compared with the previous year, and the number of people covered increased by 11.12%, but the vaccination coverage decreased. Conclusion: The influenza vaccination rate in China is low, and the implementation of cost preferential policy can greatly improve the influenza vaccination rate.目的: 了解2020—2021和2021—2022年度流感流行季我国流感疫苗接种政策和接种现状。 方法: 以县区为单位调查全国流感疫苗接种政策和接种率。对两个流行季流感疫苗接种政策及接种情况进行描述性分析。 结果: 2020—2021和2021—2022年度,我国流感疫苗接种率分别为3.16%和2.47%。其中免费接种政策人群接种率最高(51.75%和38.32%),其次为医保报销政策(9.74%和7.36%)。2021—2022年度,我国实施免费接种政策的县区数较上一年度减少61个,但覆盖人数增加51.29%,绝大多数人群接种率下降,下降较多的依次为医务人员等其他人群(两个流行季分别为75.69%和40.15%)、学龄前儿童(58.86%和26.15%)、老年人(45.71%和32.94%)。2021—2022年度,实施医保报销政策的县区数较上一年度增加6个,覆盖人数增加11.12%,接种率亦有所下降。 结论: 我国流感疫苗接种率低,实施费用优惠政策可提高接种率。.