期刊:Chinese journal of stomatology日期:2023-02-03卷期号:58 (2): 189-195
Oral diseases are highly prevalent in China, while oral health services are generally underutilized and public health resources are wasted. Lacking oral insurance may be one of the leading causes. The basic medical insurance of China does not cover dental care in most cities, which is worthy to further discuss. To better understand the experience of dental insurance from international dental care practice, the dental coverage scope, content, co-pay ratio, and effects of oral insurance on oral health improvement from the abroad countries with typical health insurance systems were summarized by using scoping review. Then, we discussed the coverage scope for dental health of basic medical insurance and private insurance in China. We also analyzed the current issues of dental care coverage and cost-share. At last, we proposed thoughts and suggestions to establish and improve a multi-level oral health insurance system with Chinese characteristics under the basic medical insurance frame. In particular, we gave suggestions on increasing the coverage for high dental care xpenditure by ebasic medical insurance, supplying children and teenagers with preventive dental care, and encouraging private insurance companies to cover dental care expenditure.我国口腔疾病具有发病率高、就诊率低、公共卫生资源耗费大等特征,缺乏口腔医疗保险可能是重要影响因素之一。我国大部分城市的基本医疗保险尚不能统筹支付口腔门诊治疗费用,是否应将口腔医疗服务纳入基本医疗保险的保障范围仍值得进一步探讨。本文采用范围性综述法对国外不同医疗保险制度下的口腔医疗服务覆盖范围、保障内容、负担比例、保障效果等进行梳理,总结了值得借鉴的国际经验;分析了我国基本医疗保险和商业医疗保险对口腔医疗服务报销范围、覆盖人群等方面的现状和存在问题;最后提出建立健全我国多层次基本口腔医疗保障制度的思考,建议逐步增加基本医疗保险对口腔门诊高额医疗费用的统筹支付,增加对儿童预防性口腔医疗服务的支付,完善商业医疗保险对部分口腔医疗服务的补充作用,减轻民众的口腔疾病经济负担。.