In this study, a biological problem of blood flow through an artery in the presence of stenosis has been studied and analysed. The blood flow is assumed to be homogenous, magnetically conducting, incompressible and having temperature dependent viscos- ity. The flow profile is parabolic while the internal domain is taken into account in both cases, namely in the absence and presence of inflammation in stenosis. A uni- form magnetic field is applied on the lower boundary perpendicular to the flow of blood. The governing equations in dimensionless form, are solved using finite ele- ment method. Flow structure and temperature distribution are presented in the form of streamlines and isothermal lines, respectively. The local Nusselt number is studied and its significance is analysed. The result indicates that the rate of heat transfer con- siderably affects the flow field in the presence of magnetic field. The obtained results for inflamed stenosis are much more informative and important in the bio magnetic field and health sciences.