Raman spectroscopy emerges as a highly effective analytical tool in delving into the intricate world of honey. This method involves illuminating a laser onto a sample and meticulously scrutinizing the scattered light. Notably, this technique collaborates seamlessly with an array of methodologies, such as machine learning algorithms, chemometrics, and convolutional neural networks to discern and quantify adulterants in honey samples. What sets Raman spectroscopy apart is its dynamic nature and user-friendly attributes, which demand minimal sample preparation while offering an economical and nondestructive means of examination. Its synergistic use with other techniques enriches the evaluation of honey quality. This chapter comprehensively delineates the applications, advantages, and drawbacks of this technique in honey analysis. A pivotal aspect explored herein is the revelation of honey's flavor and aroma intricacies through the ability of Raman spectroscopy to detect volatile compounds and enrich the honey experience. This chapter underscores the advantages of Raman spectroscopy as a swift, uncomplicated, and noninvasive approach for authenticating and identifying honey samples. Through a meticulous review of prior studies and revelations, this chapter serves as a foundation for insightful information, shedding light on the potential of Raman spectroscopy in ensuring the quality and authenticity of honey products.