José Antonio Lepe,J.T. Silva,Mario Fernández‐Ruiz,Elisa Cordero,Jesús Fortün,Carlota Gudiol,Luis Martínez‐Martínez,Enrique Caviedes‐Vidal,Luís Almenar,Benito Almirante,Rafael Cantón,Jordi Carratalà,Juan José Castón,Emilia Cercenado,Carlos Cervera,José Miguel Cisneros,María G. Crespo‐Leiro,Valentín Cuervas‐Mons,J. Elizalde-Fernández,María Carmen Fariñas,Joan Gavaldà,M.J. Goyanes,Belén Gutiérrez‐Gutiérrez,Domingo Hernández,Òscar Len,Rafael López‐Andújar,Francisco López‐Medrano,Pilar Martín‐Dávila,José Miguel Cisneros,Asunción Moreno,José A. Caminero,Álvaro Pascual,Federico Pérez,Antonio Román-Broto,Rafael San Juan,Daniel Serón,Amparó Solé,Maricela Valerio,Patricia Muñóz,Julián Torre‐Cisneros
Solid organ transplant (SOT) recipients are especially at risk of developing infections by multidrug resistant (MDR) Gram-negative bacilli (GNB), as they are frequently exposed to antibiotics and the healthcare setting, and are regulary subject to invasive procedures. Nevertheless, no recommendations concerning prevention and treatment are available. A panel of experts revised the available evidence; this document summarizes their recommendations: (1) it is important to characterize the isolate's phenotypic and genotypic resistance profile; (2) overall, donor colonization should not constitute a contraindication to transplantation, although active infected kidney and lung grafts should be avoided; (3) recipient colonization is associated with an increased risk of infection, but is not a contraindication to transplantation; (4) different surgical prophylaxis regimens are not recommended for patients colonized with carbapenem-resistant GNB; (5) timely detection of carriers, contact isolation precautions, hand hygiene compliance and antibiotic control policies are important preventive measures; (6) there is not sufficient data to recommend intestinal decolonization; (7) colonized lung transplant recipients could benefit from prophylactic inhaled antibiotics, specially for Pseudomonas aeruginosa; (8) colonized SOT recipients should receive an empirical treatment which includes active antibiotics, and directed therapy should be adjusted according to susceptibility study results and the severity of the infection.