Percutaneous Arteriovenous Fistula Creation with Intended Brachial Vein Outflow and Secondary Brachial Vein Transposition Using the WavelinQ EndoAVF System
To assess percutaneous arteriovenous fistula (pAVF) creation with subsequent brachial vein transposition (BVT) using the WavelinQ endoAVF system.A pre-existing database was retrospectively reviewed. Nine patients underwent attempted pAVF-BVT creation between December 2017 and November 2021. Study outcomes included technical success, time to maturation, patency rates, adverse events, and secondary interventions. Maturation was defined as a pAVF flow of ≥500 mL/min, outflow vein diameter ≥5 mm, and successful 2-needle cannulations in patients on active hemodialysis (HD).pAVF-BVT creation was technically successful in 8 of 9 patients (89%). Six of 8 created pAVFs remained patent and matured at 4 weeks, subsequently undergoing secondary BVT. Primary patency rates at 6, 12, and 24 months were 37.5%, 12.5%, and 12.5%, respectively. Secondary patency rates at 6, 12, and 24 months were 75%, 37.5%, and 37.5%, respectively. One patient had postprocedural access site bleeding, and 4 required secondary interventions to maintain patency. Two patients with failed pAVFs with BVT were successfully converted to surgical AVFs, probably facilitated by sufficient enlargement of superficial veins following pAVF creation.Off-label use of the WavelinQ system to create brachial vein outflow pAVF with BVT may be an alternative procedure for HD access creation in select patients with exhausted superficial veins.