The article is devoted to the study of the problems of the emergence of bullying as a social and legal tort. The existence of such a phenomenon in schools and other educational institutions affects the further formation of a person’s personality, as a result of which we set ourselves the task of investigating the factors that can influence the formation of personality. We have developed questionnaires, which surveyed 1.570 minors and 234 teachers. Because of the severe mental violence of parents (or those who replace them), the lives of adolescents are destroyed, who in adulthood realizes themselves through criminal elements, by subordinating to themselves the will of another person, and the like. Our analysis of statistical data based on a survey of different groups of people (minors and teachers) gave us the opportunity to identify problematic issues of a socio-legal nature. It is also proposed to criminalize actions related to bullying of students by committed teachers (teacher, pedagogical worker, administration of an educational institution, social educator) in relation to a minor, including a person who instigates, organizes the commission of bullying in relation to a minor or non-adult.