We present a numerical model in which the thermionic and tunneling mechanisms across an abrupt heterojunction interface are taken into account on the basis of the one dimensional drift-diffusion formulation. We use an expression of thermionic-field emission current formulated based on the WKB approximation as a boundary condition at the abrupt heterointerface which eventually limits the current transport over the barrier while maintaining the current continuity. The I−V characteristics of three types of GaAs/AlGaAs heterojunctions are analyzed by varying device dimension, doping density, and temperature and compared with those obtained by the thermionic emission model to illustrate the significance of both tunneling and thermionic emission mechanisms. We demonstrate that the role of tunneling in the overall current transport is very important in these abrupt heterojunctions especially at high doping densities and low temperatures. In the case of an MBE-grown AlGaAs triangular heterojunction barrier, the temperature-dependent I−V characteristics are measured and compared with the theoretical results. Good agreement is obtained when the tunneling process is taken into account by employing the thermionic-field emission boundary condition presented here.