The majority of what is needed to maintain life is found in the approximately 70 percent of the earth's surface that is composed of water. Water quality has been deteriorating at an alarming rate as a direct result of rapid industrialization and urbanisation, which has led to a rise in the prevalence of serious diseases. In the past, determining the quality of water was typically accomplished by employing labor-intensive, time-consuming, and statistically pricey laboratory investigations, which renders the prevalent concept of real-time monitoring meaningless. The worrisome effect of poor water quality mandates the necessity of an alternative model that is both rapid and economical to implement. There has been a lot of talk about using artificial intelligence to forecast and model water quality as a means of preventing and reducing water pollution. An artificial ecosystem optimization with Deep Learning Enabled Water Quality Prediction and Classification (AEODL-WQPC) model is presented in this paper. The primary objectives of the AEODL-WQPC model that is being given are the prediction and categorization of different levels of water quality. As a first processing step, the data normalization technique is used to the provided AEODL-WQPC model so that this goal can be achieved. In addition to this, an optimal stacked bidirectional gated recurrent unit (OSBiGRU) model is used to forecast the water quality index (WQI), and the Adam optimizer is utilised in order to fine-tune the model's parameters. AEO with enhanced Elman Neural Network (AEO-IENN) model is utilised for the categorization of water quality. This model is characterized by the fact that the AEO algorithm effectively tunes the parameters associated to the ENN model. For the purposes of the experimental validation of the AEODL-WQPC model, a benchmark water quality dataset obtained from the Kaggle repository is utilised. The research that compared several models found that the AEODL-WQPC model had superior results to more recent state of the art methods.