The objective of this paper is to shed light on the main elements of Lawrence Venuti's invaluable book: The Translator's Invisibility and foregrounds the importance of his premise. The study traces Venuti’s research project that describes the work nature of the translator of the English language through contrasting the main components of the book and highlighting its relevance. The author's ultimate goal is to change the marginalized status of the act of translation in the perspective of Anglo-American culture. His discourse is addressed to the translators and readership, both beginners and experts, and he advocates a shift in perspective toward the reading and writing of the translation process. The author’s journey to reverse the unjust situation of the field redefines concepts like; ‘domestication’ and ‘foreignization’, revisits the purpose of the act of translation and highlights the importance of the translator's role and identity. Venuti investigates the marginalized situation of the translator, in Anglo-American culture, through reconsidering notions like: Invisibility, Canon, Nation, Dissidence, Margin, Simpatico and concludes with a call to action. Actually, The Translator's Invisibility aims at creating new alternatives in the reality of the field, however, this ambitious aspiration is faced with the arrogant dogma of how the translator is seen by the commissioners which affects the translator's self-value per se. A fact that necessitates more research, investigation and collaboration of efforts, of prominent authors and institutions of the field, in order to adjust the work conditions of the translators and achieve the paradigm shift that an inspirational book like this one forestalls.