Ana Carolina Cabral de Paula Machado,Lívia de Castro Magalhães,Suelen Rosa de Oliveira,Sergio L. Novi,Rickson C. Mesquita,Débora Marques de Miranda,Maria Cândida Ferrarez Bouzada
This study aimed to compare preterm (PT) and full-term (FT) infants' adaptive behavior and functional cortical response to tactile stimulus, as measured by Test of Sensory Functions in Infants and functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS). Outcome measures were taken at 6 (PT = 26/FT = 21 infants) and 12 months (PT = 15/FT = 14 infants). At 6 months, poorer tactile reactivity was observed in PT, but not confirmed at 12 months. At 6 months, cortical response to tactile stimulus was found in the primary sensorimotor cortex and differences between groups did not reach significance. At 12 months, cortical response was found in the primary sensorimotor cortex and premotor area and in the somatosensory associative area, with significant less frequent response in premotor area in PT. The findings reinforce fNIRS as a tool to complement the knowledge of tactile adaptive behaviors in PT in early life.