Chao Yang,Haiwen Liu,Yanzhao Liu,Jian Wang,Dong Qiu,Sishuang Wang,Yang Wang,Qianmei He,Xinwei Li,Peng Li,Yue Tang,Jian Wang,X. C. Xie,James M. Valles,Jie Xiong,Yanrong Li
Fermi liquid theory forms the basis for our understanding of the majority of metals: their resistivity arises from the scattering of well defined quasiparticles at a rate where, in the low-temperature limit, the inverse of the characteristic time scale is proportional to the square of the temperature. However, various quantum materials1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15—notably high-temperature superconductors1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10—exhibit strange-metallic behaviour with a linear scattering rate in temperature, deviating from this central paradigm. Here we show the unexpected signatures of strange metallicity in a bosonic system for which the quasiparticle concept does not apply. Our nanopatterned YBa2Cu3O7−δ (YBCO) film arrays reveal linear-in-temperature and linear-in-magnetic field resistance over extended temperature and magnetic field ranges. Notably, below the onset temperature at which Cooper pairs form, the low-field magnetoresistance oscillates with a period dictated by the superconducting flux quantum, h/2e (e, electron charge; h, Planck’s constant). Simultaneously, the Hall coefficient drops and vanishes within the measurement resolution with decreasing temperature, indicating that Cooper pairs instead of single electrons dominate the transport process. Moreover, the characteristic time scale τ in this bosonic system follows a scale-invariant relation without an intrinsic energy scale: ħ/τ ≈ a(kBT + γμBB), where ħ is the reduced Planck’s constant, a is of order unity7,8,11,12, kB is Boltzmann’s constant, T is temperature, μB is the Bohr magneton and γ ≈ 2. By extending the reach of strange-metal phenomenology to a bosonic system, our results suggest that there is a fundamental principle governing their transport that transcends particle statistics.