The authors regret that an inadvertent error was made during the assembly of Figure 4 a. An IVIS image (the first image from the left; a control group: Healthy, MIA) was taken twice during the experiment and was erroneously incorporated in Figure 4 a to occupy the space of the second control group (Healthy, PLGA MPs; the second image from the left). The corrected version of Figure 4 is shown below. This change does not affect the interpretation of data or the conclusion of the study. a) IVIS images and corresponding L-012 intensities of ROS and b) levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1β, IL-6, and TNF-α in MIA-stimulated knee joints following various treatments and c) photo-micrographs of their synovial tissue sections stained by H&E or TUNEL. *P<0.05; n.s.: not significant.