Light has emerged as a promising new reagent in chemical reactions, especially in enhancing the performance of metal nanoparticle catalysts. Certain metal nanoparticles support localized surface plasmon resonances (LSPRs) which convert incident light to strong electromagnetic fields, hot carriers, or heat for directing and improving chemical reactions. By combining plasmonically active metals with traditionally catalytic metals, bimetallic nanostructures promote simultaneous light conversion and strong molecular adsorption, expanding the library of light-controlled reactions. In this review, we cover three bimetallic geometries: antenna–reactor, core-shell, and alloyed nanoparticle systems. Each geometry hosts its own set of intermetallic interactions which can affect the photocatalytic response. While antenna–reactor systems rely exclusively on optical coupling between the plasmonic and catalytic metal to enhance reactivity, core-shell and alloy architectures introduce electronic interactions in addition to optical effects. These electronic interactions usually dampen the plasmonic response but also offer the potential for enhanced reactivity and product specificity. We review both state-of-the-art bimetallic photocatalysts as well as emerging research opportunities, including leveraging quantum effects, new computational methods to understand and predict photocatalysts, and atomic-scale architecting of materials.