With the increase of adult patients seeking for orthodontic treatment, the influence of periodontal tissue on orthodontic treatment has gradually become the focus. For patients with periodontitis, it is essential to controlling the severity of periodontitis prior to orthodontic treatment. Periodontal disease can cause additional bone loss and make the orthodontic treatment complicated. Reducing the risk of orthodontic treatment in this situation is our major concern. In addition to periodontitis, orthodontic treatment may also cause gingival recession. On the other hand, the alveolar bone defects such as bone fenestration and bone dehiscence are common in some patients without periodontitis. For these patients, we should take more care of the interrelationship between bone defects and orthodontic treatment. This article briefly demonstrates the risk considerations of periodontal supporting tissue in orthodontic therapy focusing on the influence of periodontitis, gingival recession and alveolar bone fenestration and dehiscence.随着成年正畸患者比例的增加,牙周状况对正畸治疗效果的影响以及正畸治疗与牙周支持组织改建的关系逐渐成为焦点。越来越多的正畸医师意识到,正畸治疗前牙周炎症应得到有效控制。牙周炎可增加正畸治疗的难度,导致额外的牙槽骨吸收;因此,降低牙周炎患者在正畸治疗过程中牙周组织健康状况恶化的风险成为临床医师关注的重点。除牙周炎外,正畸治疗也有可能导致牙龈退缩。另外,正畸治疗中应考虑特定类型的牙槽骨缺损情况:如骨开窗、骨开裂与正畸牙移动的关系。本文主要从牙周炎与正畸、牙龈退缩与正畸以及骨开窗和(或)骨开裂与正畸三方面阐述正畸治疗中牙周支持组织的风险考量。.