This account deals with the chemical functionalizations of polystyrene and polystyrene-containing materials and the related applications. The functionalizations herein tackled concern those reported from the turn of the last century up to now. As per the coveted applications, either conventional or modern chemistries, such as click reaction are applied to chemically modify polystyrene. Besides the classical polymerization methods for the synthesis of polystyrene and polystyrene-containing materials, the newly emerged techniques, such as living controlled radical polymerization, are duly evoked. Both soluble and insoluble polystyrene resins were subjected to bulk or surface functionalizations. Surface treatments with plasma, laser, or UV beam in the presence of oxygenated or aminated chemicals led to hydrophilic surface-functionalized polystyrenes. Applications of functionalized polystyrenes herein discussed include organic synthesis, polymer synthesis, separation and adsorption of metals and biomolecules, biological activity, light emission/absorption, electroactivity, and nanoparticles design.