Abstract Treeline densification, along with increased growth rates, is considered a primary manifestation of climate warming at alpine treelines. However, treeline densification has typically been inferred from comparisons of present-day tree density with estimates of former densities inferred from current age structure; the densification has not been verified with long-term monitoring data and thus empirical testing is needed. In this study, a series of plots was established along an altitudinal gradient in a treeline ecotone on the eastern Tibetan Plateau; the plots were then surveyed repeatedly for ten years to analyse spatiotemporal variation in tree regeneration. The densities of Abies fargesii var. faxoniana seedlings and saplings increased from low altitude sites to high altitude sites, before dropping to zero beyond the treeline. The density of fir seedlings at the treeline in 2018 was significantly lower than in 2008. There were no significant differences in the density of saplings, small trees, medium trees, or old-growth trees between 2018 and 2008. As compared to regeneration patterns from 65 years ago, treeline densification represents a spatial phenomenon related to altitude, but not a temporal pattern on the eastern Tibetan Plateau. A more comprehensive understanding of the effects of climate warming on treeline regeneration will require further long-term monitoring and research.