There is growing evidence supporting the need for a short time delay before starting radiotherapy (RT) treatment postsurgery for most optimal responses. The timing of RT initiation and effects on outcomes have been evaluated in a variety of malignancies, but the relationship remains to be well established for brain metastasis.Retrospective study of 176 patients (aged 18-89 years) with brain metastases at a single institution (March 2009 to August 2018) who received RT following surgical resection. Time interval (≤22 and >22 days) from surgical resection to initiation of RT and any potential impact on patient outcomes were assessed.Patients who underwent RT >22 days after surgical resection had a decreased risk for all-cause mortality of 47.2% (95% CI: 8.60, 69.5%). Additionally, waiting >40 days for RT after surgical resection more than doubled the risk of tumor progression; adjusted hazard ratio 2.02 (95% CI: 1.12, 3.64).Findings indicate that a short interval delay (>22 days) following surgical resection is required before RT initiation for optimal treatment effects in brain metastasis. Our timing of RT postsurgical resection data adds definition to current heterogeneity in RT timing, which is especially important for standardized clinical trial design and patient outcomes.