This work describes the development of transparent high-strength Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia (YSZ) ceramics with ultra-fine grain size utilizing conventional pressure-less densification. Starting with nanoparticles with diameter < 10 nm, it was possible to achieve full densification (>99.5% of theoretical density) at a sintering temperature of 1100–1200 °C. The average grain size of the resulting dense ceramics was 75 nm in 3 mol. % YSZ and 85 nm in 8 mol. % YSZ, showing in-line light transmission of 38% and 51% at a wavelength of 800 nm and average biaxial strength (piston on three balls test on samples of diameter 12 mm and thickness 1 mm) of 1980 MPa and 680 MPa, respectively. The nano-grained structure, absence of color centers, and miniaturization of residual pores enable the excellent light transmission. The high biaxial strength is attributed to the refined microstructure, but also to the martensitic tetragonal-to-monoclinic phase transformation that remains active even in nano-sized zirconia grains.