Fish protein hydrolysates were prepared from Catla catla using different proteases viz. alcalase, bromelain, flavorzyme and protamex and designated as HA (alcalase), HB (bromelain), HF (flavorzyme) and HP (protamex), respectively. HB was found to have higher 2, 2 diphynyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical-scavenging activity followed by HF, HP and HA. HB had higher ferric-reducing power followed by HP, HF and HA. Linoleic acid peroxidation inhibition of HA, HB, HF and HP were 54 ± 4.75, 50 ± 2.60, 49 ± 3.00 and 36 ± 6.15%, respectively. Higher emulsion stability index and foaming capacity were recorded for HB. The emulsion activity index was higher in HP (52.76 ± 1.27 m2/g). The foaming stability was found to be good in HF. Practical Application The properties of fish protein hydrolysates from Catla catla using different enzymes have been studied. The protein hydrolysates prepared from C. catla can be used as antioxidant and functional ingredient in the processed food products. Among four different enzymes used, bromelain was effective in obtaining the protein hydrolysate with desired antioxidant and functional properties. The potential to use bromelain for hydrolysate preparation is high considering the abundance of pineapples in southern India.