Helical gears are widely used in various mechanical transmissions. Thus, analysing gear contact stresses is crucial to improve the fatigue limit and life of gears. In this paper, the contact stress of helical gear is analyzed by finite element simulation and experimental verification. The effect of coefficient of friction on the contact stress of helical gears is analysed, with given coefficients of friction. The following conclusions can be drawn through simulation and test. 1) The contact stress increases with the coefficient of friction in the early stage of meshing. 2) The contact stress decreases with the increase in the coefficient of friction in the late stage of meshing. 3) The gear contact fatigue test shows that the location of fatigue pitting on the tooth surface is consistent with that of the simulated maximum stress point. The friction-reducing coating on the gear surface can decrease the coefficient of friction between the tooth surfaces and thus effectively improve the gear contact fatigue life.