Intrasaccular flow disruption has become established for the treatment of wide necked and bifurcation aneurysms. The most successful current devices are the WEB (Microvention) and Contour (Stryker). The Artisse (Medtronic) is a novel intrasaccular device designed to treat a variety of aneurysm morphologies. The first generation Artisse device was used in clinical trials in 2016.1 This device has now been significantly modified, and this video discusses the second generation (video 1). The current device features a dual layer, 72 wire mesh basket. It includes an atraumatic, off-center distal tip to prevent aneurysm dome damage during deployment, and proximal and distal marker bands for improved visibility. There are currently limited sizes of the device compared with the WEB. Deployment is via a 0.021 inch microcatheter. This technical video discusses the device with the aid of an illustrative case of an middle cerebral artery aneurysm.neurintsurg;jnis-2024-022355v1/V1F1V1Video 1 The Artisse device.