The authors found an error in their publication "An MDM2 degrader for treatment of acute leukemias" (Leukemia.2023Feb37(2)370-378.).It was noted that the UKE1 cell line is labeled as TP53 mutant in the manuscript when the cell line is actually TP53 wild-type.This is stated in on page 373 "We assessed the growth inhibitory activity of MS3227 in the TP53 mutant leukemia cell lines U-937 and UKE-1" and in Fig. 3G.In the discussion, it is clearly discussed that TP53 mutant cells show resistance to the MDM2 degrader but also that there are likely additional resistance mechanisms in TP53 wild-type cell lines and primary samples.The authors provided evidence of non-TP53 mutant resistance/lower sensitivity in Figs.3G and4C.Additional TP53 mutant cells lines were included in Fig. 3G.This error does not change the conclusions, and simply reclassifies this cell line.However, the authors feel this correction is important for accuracy.In addition, the experiments with UKE-1 have been repeated by another researcher in their group, finding the same results as published.