Phase 1/2 study update of an AAV9-based gene therapy for Gaucher disease type 2 (PROVIDE trial)
Sarah Neuhaus,Travis B. Lewis,Paul A. Tamburri,Chester B. Whitley,Deepa Rajan,Dennis Bartholomew,Simon Peyton Jones,Aimée Donald,Maria L. Escolar,Yael Beckerman,Erin Mahoney,Daniel A. Hatch,Lee Shaughnessy,Patricia Sondergaard,Olga Uspenskaya,Jeff Sevigny
Fixed focus type Scheffler Concentrators and convex receivers are popularly employed for several medium temperature process heat applications. The excessive convection heat loss from the receiver surface and the improper distribution of solar flux at the receiver are few key issues commonly observed for the Scheffler concentrators. The excessive heat lost is attributed to the convection losses at the receiver convex surface due to the wind. Moreover, experimental studies carried out on the receiver of 16 m2 Scheffler concentrator revealed that about 15–20 % of the total radiations received at the receiver are lost due to the focusing and tracking errors of the Scheffler reflector. In order to minimize the heat losses from the receiver convex surface, a Conical type Secondary Reflector (CSR) made up of highly polished mirror finished stainless steel material, in the form of frustum of a cone, and covered with toughened glass was designed and developed. The semi-cone angle of 36° has been estimated for the CSR based on the ray trace diagram analysis. The CSR, fixed over the periphery of the convex type receiver refocuses the lost solar radiations over the receiver surface and enhances the heat flux received at the receiver, while improving the overall efficiency of the concentrator. The toughened glass cover over the CSR, shields the receiver from the wind and thus reduces the overall convection losses due to wind. Experimental analysis carried with the installation of CSR revealed that the convective heat transfer coefficient has been reduced by 10–12 % on average while the overall system efficiency has been increased by at least 3–5 %. The increased heat flux received at the receiver has not only reduced the convection losses but also reduced the initial idle or lag time for the system by almost 15 min based on the solar insolation for the day.