Abstract Directly sulfur water will be a negative effect on the body. In this research will be the design of a heat exchanger that utilizes heat energy from sulfur water of hot water from the crust and will be used as a water heater in residential. By utilizing the heat energy from the sulfur water making the temperature of cold water will warm. it makes the water will be safe from a chemical element from sulfur water, where is make could make irritation for a body. This research will fabrication a heat exchanger shell and tube equipment with one pass shell and two pass tube as a water heater with hot sulfur water. The parameter input was taken from Berastagi Sumatera Utara. The temperature expected was calculated. The design was showed and explained. There is the length of the pipe in the heat exchanger is 1.7 m in diameter 0.14 m with stainless steel 304 as a primary material.