With the advance of the Internet, short videos have emerged as the most popular method of social networking. Consequently, individuals now have access to vast amounts of unstructured short video data. Efficiently managing, organizing, and retrieving this large volume of short video data, along with the associated interaction data on the network, has become a highly relevant research topic. Moreover, most short video platforms have lengthy development cycles and require substantial storage space. In light of these issues, this paper develops and implements a practical and meaningful short video website management system based on SQL (Structured Query Language) database. The functional design of the system is divided into two parts: the client-side and the server-side. The client-side implementation employs HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), and JavaScript for page design, resulting in a user-friendly interface with quick startup time, local storage capability, and device compatibility. On the other hand, the server-side utilizes the SpringBoot framework to construct the API (Application Programming Interface) backend and employs MyBatis for seamless interaction with the MySQL database. MySQL, a relational database, is employed to store the server-side data.