Ultrasound-targeted microbubble cavitation (UTMC)-mediated blood-brain barrier (BBB) opening is being explored as a method to increase drug delivery to the brain. This strategy has progressed to clinical trials for various neurological disorders, but the underlying cellular mechanisms are incompletely understood. In the study described here, a contact co-culture transwell model of the BBB was developed that can be used to determine the signaling cascade leading to increased BBB permeability.This BBB model consists of bEnd.3 cells and C8-D1A astrocytes seeded on opposite sides of a transwell membrane. Pulsed ultrasound (US) is applied to lipid microbubbles (MBs), and the change in barrier permeability is measured via transendothelial electrical resistance and dextran flux. Live cell calcium imaging (Fluo-4 AM) is performed during UTMC treatment.This model exhibits important features of the BBB, including endothelial tight junctions, and is more restrictive than the endothelial cell (EC) monolayer alone. When US is applied to MBs in contact with the ECs, BBB permeability increases in this model by two mechanisms: UTMC induces pore formation in the EC membrane (sonoporation), leading to increased transcellular permeability, and UTMC causes formation of reversible inter-endothelial gaps, which increases paracellular permeability. Additionally, this study determines that calcium influx into ECs mediates the increase in BBB permeability after UTMC in this model.Both transcellular and paracellular permeability can be used to increase drug delivery to the brain. Future studies can use this model to determine how UTMC-induced calcium-mediated signaling increases BBB permeability.