Coccidiosis due to an Isospora ohioensis-like organism was diagnosed in a 10-week-old pup. The pup had diarrhea, dehydration, and weight loss before it died 7 days after onset of clinical signs. Lesions were limited to the intestinal tract. Beginning in the distal end of the small intestine and extending through cecum and colon were mild histiocytic proliferation in the lamina propria and multifocal cryptitis. Numerous meronts and gamonts of an unidentified coccidium were in or near the lesions. Parasites were in the villous epithelium, lamina propria, and intestinal glands of the distal one-half of the small intestine, cecum, and colon. It was concluded that infection was due to an unidentified coccidium with oocysts structurally similar to those of I ohioensis.